March 6, 2025

Bahadur Khan: Sarod Recital (Multitone ZSAV 1041) a cassette released in the UK in 1995

Up next is a cassette release of a sarod recital by the relatively under-documented sarod maestro Bahadur Khan (January 19, 1931 - October 3, 1989). Khan was a cousin to Ali Akbar Khan, and later taught for six months at the Ali Akbar College of Music in San Rafael, California. His students include Tejendra Majumdar.

There's only a couple LPs on EMI and a few other obscure recordings on CD and YouTube, which is a regrettable situation. He is a very interesting sarod player who deserves to be more widely known. 

It's not clear when this recording was made or under what circumstances (possible an AIR broadcast?) and I was unable to find any information about it on this release or on the internet.

Transfer: Nakamichi Dragon cassette deck, extensively refurbished and rebuilt.

Pre-amplification: refurbished Pioneer SX-780.
Recorder: Sound Devices MixPre6ii at 24bit/96kHz resolution
Software: Audacity and xAct.


very high resolution lossless FLAC files

these lossless files can be burned to CDR, if you are into that

highest quality lossy mp3 files possible 

1 comment:

  1. Hello, much love from Australia, appreciated as always!
